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tree-like structure中文是什么意思

用"tree-like structure"造句"tree-like structure"怎么读"tree-like structure" in a sentence


  • 类树结构
  • 树形结构


  • The browser takes this and converts it into a tree - like structure , as in figure 1
  • Object as one big key - value hashtable that structures the keys in a tree - like structure
    对象当作一个大的键值散列表(这个表把树形结构中的键组织起来) 。
  • If you are designing a gui like this , you can easily translate menu commands into grammar rules , especially since menus already have a tree - like structure that makes sure there are no overlapping commands
    如果您设计象这样的gui ,则可以方便地将菜单命令转化成文法规则,尤其是因为菜单已经具有了树状结构,这可以确保没有重叠命令。
  • Motivated by this observation , this paper studies the problem of efficiently processing k nn k - ge 1 search on r - tree - like structures storing historical information about moving object trajectories . two algorithms are developed based on best - first traversal paradigm , called bfp k nn and bft k nn , which handle the k nn retrieval with respect to the static query point and the moving query trajectory , respectively . both algorithms minimize the number of node access , that is , they perform a single access only to those qualifying nodes that may contain the final result
    例如,若已知动物的轨迹,则动物学家可能提出如下两种查询: i在时间区间ti , tj内找到离一个给定的静态点譬如食物源实验室等最近的k条动物轨迹ii在时间区间ti , tj内找到离一条预先指定的动物轨迹最近的k条动物轨迹。
  • This article , according to the common digital keyboard on the mobile communication equipment , make essential research for windows ce - embedded operation system in chinese character input technology and realize with digital keyboard . using tree - like structure that has the space complexity o ( n ) and the time complexity of o ( n ) when searching to store chinese information . chinese input method applying this kind of store technique in chinese table has the quality of high input speed and low memory space
    本文就根据移动通信设备上常见的数字键盘,为windowsce嵌入式操作系统在汉字的数字键盘输入技术及其实现方面作了必要的研究;并使用了一种在查找时空间复杂度为o ( n ) 、时间复杂度为o ( n )的树形结构来存储中文信息,使用这种存储技术作为码表内存存放方式的汉字输入法具有输入速度快、占用空间少的优点。
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